Firm Focus
The upheaval at the end of a marriage or relationship between unmarried parents can cause panic and many sleepless nights. Since these situations often cause monumental changes to each spouse’s financial circumstances and dramatic shifts in parenting arrangements, you need to know your best and worst case scenarios. In the interest of quickly addressing those concerns, our legal team will give you an initial consult by telephone usually within 24 hours of your call or email.
Serving Sacramento and the surrounding counties, we are known for our tough litigation on family law issues and our commitment to meeting the needs of our clients in an efficient and effective manner. Our goal is to help you re-establish yourself and your family as quickly and painlessly as possible. By speaking to a family law attorney sooner rather than later, you can lay many of your fears to rest.
Contact us by phone or email for a consultation.
We specialize in offering affordable solutions for families in need. These include a team approach to your case and agreeing to help with only one issue or court date (as opposed to the entire case). We believe that you and your attorney are a team and the team makes decisions together taking into consideration each of your needs; including the financial burden of litigation.
Established in 1993, our firm is one of the oldest in the Sacramento Area, devoted exclusively to family law.